Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Brownie Cookies

Mother is the Town Clerk for Hubbardston, and today she had to be at work from 6 AM to 10 PM, presiding over the local elections and counting the ballots with her volunteer help. Earlier she had complained about the lack of chocolatey desserts available in the house, so it was Bee's idea to make her something to ease her pain. We couldn't decide between brownies and cookies, so I decided to attempt cookies out of a Betty Crocker boxed brownie mix. They didn't turn out terrible, but regular cookies seem to be more pleasing.

The ingredients were (assembled somewhat randomly):

1 box brownie mix
1 stick of butter (softened)
bloop of vanilla extract
1 large egg (farm fresh!)
1 c. flour
1/2 c. sugar
~1/2 c. vegetable oil (when the dough proved unbearably dry)
a bunch of walnuts
a bunch of white chocolate chips

These had to bake for longer than a normal chocolate chip cookie. In the end they were kind of crispy, like chocolate crackers, but with a melt-in-the-mouth quality. Very different from the generally desired soft cookie, but I suppose if it's your thang...

There was a rainstorm during the baking process, and these freshly-baked cookies got splotched with rainbows in a most pleasing fashion.

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