Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Rare Burger (Finally)

Red meat? It never occurs to me until times like this -- a beautiful sunny (thunderstormy) day where there are lots of friendly mouths to feed. We sped to the grocery store on the moped but got drenched unexpectedly on the way back.


And since there are so many people to feed (Nick, Paige, Mike, Ma'am, Morgue, Simon and I) my burger, being smaller than the rest, suffers a terrible fate -- that of being cooked all the way through. So this time, Simes and I waited until minutes after everyone else's burger was grilling to add ours. And finally, mine was wonderfully red and juicy, oozing out over the toasted Saloio bread roll and Fontina cheese.

On the top: pea sprouts and mushrooms, grilled in foil with olive oil and Italian spice. I cannot tell you how good...

And a special study in martini-bound olives:

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